Effective Factors in Evaluating Tourism Marketing Performance

  • Neda Jalaliyoon Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Keywords: Performance evaluation, Performance indicator, Tourism marketing, Meta-synthesis, Multi grounded theory, Grounded theory


Given that the survival of organizations depends on their ability to create value and value is defined by customers. Marketing is a tool to attract customers and it is contributing to the long-term commercial success and therefore, evaluating their performance is a crucial task for management. Due to the fact that there is lack of specific criteria and indicators to evaluate marketing performance, this paper proposes the criteria and related indicators for performance evaluation of tourism marketing by adopting Meta-Synthesis method and Grounded and Multi Grounded Theories. The statistical population included academic and industrial experts were identified from universities and tourism sector activists in Malaysia. This study introduces 11 main criteria and 40 indicators for each aspect in order to evaluate the performance of tourist attraction.


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