The impact of gamification on user experience: A case study of Duolingo
Xin Li
University of Sydney City Road
Keywords: Gamification; User experience; Duolingo; Language Learning
This paper presents an investigation into the influence of gamification on user experience, utilizing a case study approach to examine the application of gamification in the context of Duolingo. Gamification can be defined as the incorporation of game elements with the objective of enhancing user engagement and motivation, thereby facilitating the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills. In the field of digital learning, gamification has been widely employed in non-game contexts to enhance educational outcomes. Duolingo’s language learning platform utilizes gamification elements, including points, badges and leaderboards, to render the learning process more engaging and motivating. It has been demonstrated that the implementation of gamification can effectively enhance users’ motivation and enthusiasm for learning. However, the inappropriate utilization of gamification may result in adverse effects, such as stress and anxiety, which could subsequently impact the learning outcomes. This paper presents a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of gamification, along with recommendations for future enhancements.
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