Title: Speed and Endurance Training in Athletics: New Insights
Author:Chaofeng JIA
Publishing Date:Oct-31-2024
This book explores the theories and practical applications of speed and endurance training in athletics. Through an in-depth analysis of the physiological foundations, training methods, performance evaluation, and the interrelationships of speed and endurance training, the book aims to provide systematic guidance and reference for athletes and coaches. It also incorporates the latest scientific technologies, introducing the equipment, tools, and data analysis methods used in speed and endurance training, emphasizing the importance of scientific training. By discussing the formulation of systematic training plans and their practical application, this book offers comprehensive theoretical support and practical guidance for enhancing the competitive levels of athletes. It is hoped that this book will be beneficial to athletics enthusiasts, athletes, and coaches, helping them achieve excellent results in competitions.
Chapter 1: Theories of Speed Training in Athletics / 1
Section 1: Basic Concepts of Speed Training / 2
Section 2: Physiological Basis of Speed Training / 9
Section 3: Methods and Techniques of Speed Training / 16
Section 4: Evaluation of Speed Training Effectiveness / 23
Chapter 2: Endurance Training Theories in Athletics / 29
Section 1: Basic Concepts of Endurance Training / 30
Section 2: Physiological Basis of Endurance Training / 36
Section 3: Methods and Techniques of Endurance Training / 42
Section 4: Evaluation of Endurance Training Effects / 48
Chapter 3: Integrated Theory of Speed and Endurance Training / 55
Section 1: The Interrelationship between Speed and Endurance / 56
Section 2: Methods of Integrated Training for Speed and Endurance / 62
Section 3: Phases of Speed and Endurance Training / 69
Section 4: Evaluation of Comprehensive Speed and Endurance Training / 76
Chapter 4: Application of Science and Technology in Speed Training / 81
Section 1: Speed Training Equipment and Tools / 82
Section 2: Biomechanical Applications in Speed Training / 87
Section 3: Application of Exercise Physiology in Speed Training / 92
Section 4: Data Analysis and Monitoring in Speed Training / 98
Chapter 5: Application of Science and Technology in Endurance Training / 105
Section 1: Endurance Training Equipment and Tools / 106
Section 2: Application of Biomechanics in Endurance Training / 111
Section 3: Application of Exercise Physiology in Endurance Training / 116
Section 4: Data Analysis and Monitoring in Endurance Training / 121
Chapter 6: Practical Application of Speed and Endurance Training for Track and Field Athletes / 127 Section 1: Formulating Speed Training Plans for Track and Field Athletes / 128
Section 2: Formulating Endurance Training Plans for Track and Field Athletes / 132
Section 3: Application of Speed and Endurance Training in Competitions / 137
Section 4: Personalized Adjustments in Speed and Endurance Training / 141
Chapter 7: Conclusion / 147
References / 149
Chaofeng JIA, female, 36 years old, a nationally recognized advanced worker in sports, holds a Master’s degree from Northeast Normal University. She is a lecturer and undergraduate advisor, primarily engaged in research on athletics. She has led two Category D research projects and has published two articles in provincial journals such as “Sports Time and Space.”
Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) programme
Name(s): Chaofeng JIA.
Title: Speed and Endurance Training in Athletics: New Insights/ By Chaofeng JIA.
Description: Arts and Science Press Pte Ltd, Singapore, 2024.
Identifier: OCN 1468639053 | ISBN 978-981-94-0751-4 (paperback)
Subject(s): Speed and Endurance Training in Athletics: New Insights .| Training in Athletics: New Insights.
BRN: 300089164
Classification: DDC 796.4--dc23