Environment and Social Psychology
2424-8975 (Oline), 2424-7979 (print)
Environment and Social Psychology (ESP) is an international open-access academic journal dedicated to publishing highly professional research in all fields related to the relationship between environment and social psychology. All manuscripts are subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process, to ensure quality and originality. We are interested in the original research discoveries. This journal also features a wide range of research in ancillary areas relevant to social psychology. ESP publishes original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, letters, brief commentaries, perspectives, methods, etc. ESP aims to explore the connections between the environment and human condition, and enhance the environment protection consciousness and behaviors that are crucial to achieve the goals of sustainable development and human development.
The research topics of ESP include but are not limited to:
- Environment psychology
- 1. Environmental perception
- 2. Environmental behaviour
- 3. Environmental design
- Social psychology
- 1. Social perception
- 2. Social Behaviour
- 3. Interpersonal Relationships
- Environment and mental health
- 1. Mental Health
- 2. Coping mechanisms
- 3. Emotions and the Environment
- Sustainability and behavioral science
- 1. Sustainable Development
- 2. Behavioural change theory
- 3. Social norms and environmental behaviour
- Climate psychology
- 1. Psychological impacts of climate change
- 2. Behavioural responses
- 3. Climate education
- Interdisciplinary research
- 1. Environment and social sciences
- 2. Technology and psychology
- 3. Culture and environment
- Social Sciences(Health)
- Developmental and Educational Psychology
- 1. Learning, attention deficit and the environment
- 2. Genderisation, child development and the social environment
- Neurological and physiological psychology
- 1. Depression and the environment
- 2. Problem Solving and the Social Environment
The article processing fee is $1700 per article.
ESP is included in the Scopus and PORTICO databases! - Environment psychology
Applied Chemical Engineering
2578-2010 (Online)
Applied Chemical Engineering (ACE) is an international open-access academic journal dedicated to publishing highly professional research in all fields related to chemical engineering.
All manuscripts are subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process, to ensure quality and originality. We are interested inthe original research discoveries. This journal also features a wide range of research in ancillary areas relevant to chemistry.
ACE publishes original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, letters, brief commentaries, perspectives, methods, etc.
The research topics of ACE include but are not limited to:
1. Analytical Chemistry 7. Quantum chemistry method
2. Chemical Engineering 8. Environmental chemical engineering
3. Materials chemistry 9. Bio-energy, resources, pollution
4. Material synthesis 10. Reaction kinetics
5. Catalysis 11. Nanotechnology and bioreactors
6. Process chemistry and technology 12. Surface, coating and film
The article processing charge is $1600 per article.
ACE is included in CAS, Scopus, and PORTICO databases! -
ISSN: 3029-1550(Online) Earthquake is an international open access journal publishing articles related to earthquake research. It serves as a forum for global researchers to disseminate results in the study of earthquake forecasting and prediction, earthquake risk reduction, earthquake engineering, etc. This journal publishes various article types, including editorials, original research articles, review articles, and commentaries. Submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed and manuscripts will be published online immediately after the production process.
The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Frontiers of Finance
ISSN: 3029-1666(Online)
Frontiers of Finance (FF) is an open access journal of financial studies. This journal welcomes both theoretical and empirical contributions on a wide range of financial issues, including financial policies, instruments, market, and management. Manuscripts will undergo a strict double blind peer review process, which can be original research articles, review articles, commentaries, perspectives, etc.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Ecological Risk and Security Research
ISSN: 3029-150X(Online)
Ecological issues are closely related to human life. Ecological Risk and Security Research (ERSR) is a peer-reviewed open access journal aiming to address ecological issues by providing an advance communication forum. Ecological risks and preventive countermeasures are the focus of this journal. Submissions can be original research review articles, commentaries, letters, etc.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Community and Ecology
ISSN: 3029-2239(Online)
Community and Ecology (CE) is an international open access journal publishing articles related to the ecological research. It serves as a forum for global community ecologists to exchange innovative ideas and disseminate advances in the study of the interactions between species in communities, ecological conservation, etc. This journal publishes various article types, including editorials, original research articles, review articles, and commentaries. Submissions are peer-reviewed and accepted manuscripts will be published online immediately after the production process.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Molecular Mechanism Research
ISSN: 3029-2212(Online)
Molecular Mechanism Research (MMR) refers to the interrelation of structural components of biological organism, as well as the physical and chemical properties and interrelationships of various changing processes during it. MMR covers the research of botany, medicine, zoology and other disciplines, which explains the occurrence and development of diseases from the perspective of molecular mechanism, and develops related diseases risk prediction, prevention, diagnosis and treatment technologies. Works related to MMR are very welcomed with various types of articles, such as original research article, review article, editorial, case report, etc.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Information Fusion Research
ISSN: 3029-2220(Online)
Information Fusion Research (IFR) is an open-access academic journal. Information fusion is a multi-level and multi-faceted process, which is to detect, combine, correlate, estimate and combine multi-source data to achieve accurate state estimation and identity estimation, as well as complete and timely situation and threat assessment. Multi-fusion technology is the hardware foundation, multi-source information is the processing object of information fusion, and coordination optimization and comprehensive processing are the core of information fusion. Technologies and applied articles related to information fusion are in line with the scope of the journal. Articles with original research and innovations are welcomed, and the types of articles include original research, review, case report, letter, short comment.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Micromaterials and Interfaces
ISSN: 3029-1453(Online)
Micromaterials and Interfaces (MI) is an open access journal accessible to individuals in the fields of chemical technology and materials science. Key research includes but is not limited to: electronic materials science, electron microscopy research, electronic structure of material interfaces, etc. Original research on the physics and chemistry of micro materials, such as structure, physical properties, and applications, is willing to be collected.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Industrial Management Advances
ISSN: 3029-1674(online)
Industrial Management Advances (IMA) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of industrial management. The journal welcomes submissions from worldwide researchers, and practitioners in the field of industrial management, which can be original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, commentaries, etc.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Supply Chain Research
ISSN: 3029-1682(Online)
Supply Chain Research (SCR) is an open-access journal. SCR refers to the study of raw material, parts, equipment, products, services, and capital flows in the industrial chain. It also includes the digitalization of supply chain, and the main scene is the digitalization of information flow, capital flow and logistics activities in the supply chain. Manuscripts related to the research and application of supply chain are very welcomed.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Business Administration and Management
Business Administration and Management (BAM) is an international Open Access journal encompassing various disciplines related to all administration and management of business areas. BAM builds a platform for managers, operators and enterprises from around the world to discuss the current status of business administration and management. The scope of journal includes but not limited to:
1. Marketing;2. Human resources;3. Organization;4. Education;
5. Business economics;6. Finance management;7. Accounting banking
The article processing charges is $800 per article. -
Probe - Environmental Science and Technology
Probe - Environmental Science and Technology is an international Open Access journal which aims to communicate to its readers, state-of-the-art technologies and methods on Environmental Science and Technology. The journal welcomes original researches, reviews and important applications of Environmental Science and Technology.
The main aspects of research areas include, but are not exclusive to:
environmental chemistry and biology, environments pollution control and abatement technology, transport and fate of pollutants in the environment, concentrations and dispersion of wastes in air, water, and soil, point and non-point sources pollution, heavy metals and organic compounds in the environment, atmospheric pollutants and trace gases, solid and hazardous waste management; soil biodegradation and bioremediation of contaminated sites; environmental impact assessment, industrial ecology, ecological and human risk assessment; improved energy management and auditing efficiency and environmental standards and criteria.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Electronics Science Technology and Application
Electronics Science Technology and Application is an international scientific journal in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and in related disciplines, which publish the most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. It aims to provide a high profile, leading edge forum for academic researchers, industrial professionals, engineers, consultants, managers, educators and policy makers working in the field to contribute and disseminate innovative new work on Electronics and Electrical Engineering.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Probe - Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
Probe - Accounting, Auditing and Taxation is an open access journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of accounting, auditing and taxation. The journal's goal is to bridge the gap between academic researchers and practitioners by publishing papers that are relevant to the development of the field of accounting.
Applied research findings, critiques of current accounting practices and the measurement of their effects on business decisions, general purpose solutions to problems through models, and essays on world affairs which affect accounting practice are all within the scope of the journal.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Probe - Media and Communication Studies
2661-4111 (Online)
Probe - Media and Communication Studies is an international Open Access journal which aims to communicate to its readers, state-of-the-art technologies and methods on Media and Communication Studies. The journal welcomes original researches, reviews and important applications of Media and Communication Studies.
This journal focuses on the media technology, media characteristics, forms of communication, dissemination laws, communication channels and new media development trends and management of research results, exchange academic experience, active academic thinking, promote the development of disciplines.The article processing charges is $800 per article.
环境与发展论坛 (原名:环境与发展)
2661-3743(Online)、2661-3735 (Print)
2661-3824 (Online)、2661-3816 (Print)
本刊遵循国际开放获取出版(OA)原则,收取APC费用600新币/篇 -
本刊遵循国际开放获取出版(OA)原则,收取APC费用600新币/篇 -
《煤矿安全与环保》是一本开源中文期刊, 发表原创和前沿研究论关闭面板文和高质量的评论,涵盖了采矿科学技术各领域的最新研究进展,具体主题包括但不限于以下方面:
本刊遵循国际开放获取出版(OA)原则,收取APC费用600新币/篇 -
8.自然语言处理(NLP)与语音识别主要包括 NLP 致力于理解、生成和处理人类自然语言文本,而语音识别则关注如何将人的语音信号转化为可处理的数字信号。这两项技术的应用包括智能助手、机器翻译、情感分析等领域。
具体包括:- 1、为解决现实或潜在的环境问题,协调生存发展与环境的关系的环境保护问题研究。
- 2、为建设良好生存和生产环境,运用经济、法律、技术、行政、教育等手段而进行的,协调社会发展与维护生态平衡之间关系的研究。
- 3、为提高经济建设发展且保持自然资源的质量,尽可能减少能源和其他自然资源的消耗,加强经济发展与环境保护之间相互协调关系社会经济与环境的研究。
- 4、生态系统和生物多样性研究,包括土壤、水、大气、生物等各种环境因素进行检测,维系动植物、陆地、海洋等生态系统多样性的研究。
- 5、对自然环境、社会环境责任的研究。
- 6、提高可持续发展的能力建设,包括决策、管理、法制、政策、科技、教育、人力资源、公众参与等内容的研究。
- 7、为改善生活品质且不超出维持生态系统容量的理论、应用、技术的研究。
期刊鼓励提交广泛研究的主题领域的论文,栏目涉及世界经济纵横、WTO 经纬、跨国公司、经济合作、地区经济发展、比较研究、中国对外开放等领域。包括但不限于以下主题:区域经济理论的学科化、体系化和规范化;区域经济理论发展的新趋势;经济增长和发展、经济危机、经济政策和战略;新兴市场、货币市场、信贷市场、工业研究、中小企业环境与发展、就业、失业和就业不足;能源危机与定价、环境危机与退化、自然资源与管理、可持续发展金融与发展;银行业、电子金融、金融和商品市场、金融危机、财政、货币和金融措施;全球市场与贸易、国际贸易与金融、外国投资、股票市场、税收和补贴制度与发展;全球经济治理和发展机构、多边合作、国家和国际经济组织人口与发展、人口统计、移民、人口动态社会发展、劳工问题、劳动力市场与改革;反倾销和不公平贸易行为问题、双边贸易谈判、资本市场、商品市场;经济和金融基础设施、社会经济贸易与发展;汇率和波动。
Viral Infections and Cancer Research
Viral Infections and Cancer Research (VICR) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal focusing on the mechanism of viral carcinogenesis. It publishes original research articles, review articles, commentaries and other types of articles with high quality. VICR aims to serve as a steady communication platform for scientists, researchers and practitioners.
The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Molecular Regulation Research
Molecular Regulation Research (MRR) is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal. The journal provides a platform for publishing high quality research works in all areas of molecular regulation. It provides a broad coverage of both fundamental and applied research, including aspects of theories, types and results of molecular regulation. The journal welcomes submissions from worldwide researchers, and practitioners in the field of molecular regulation research, which can be original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, commentaries, etc.
The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Macromolecule is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal. The journal provides a platform for publishing high quality research works in all areas of macromolecule in chemistry, medicine, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology. It provides a broad coverage of both fundamental and applied research, including aspects of macromolecule synthesis, macromolecule transport, cell-surface macromolecule, conjugated macromolecule, as well as biomacromolecule. The journal welcomes submissions from worldwide researchers, and practitioners in the field of macromolecule research, which can be original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, commentaries, etc.
The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Progress in Gene Research
Progress in Gene Research (PGR) is an international open access journal publishing articles related to gene research. It serves as a forum for global medical geneticists, molecular biologists, bioinformaticians and researchers to disseminate results in the study of all aspects of human and animal genetics. This journal publishes various article types, including editorials, original research articles, review articles, and commentaries. Submissions are peer-reviewed and accepted manuscripts will be published online immediately after the production process.
The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Urban Environment Research
Urban Environment Research (UER) is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal. The journal provides a platform for publishing high quality research works in all areas of urban environment research. It provides a broad coverage of both fundamental and applied research, including aspects of urban ecological health and environmental security, urban environmental pollution control and resource technology, urban environmental engineering and circular economy as well as urban ecological and environmental planning and management. The journal welcomes submissions from worldwide researchers, and practitioners in the field of integrated urban environment research, which can be original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, commentaries, etc.
The article processing charges is $800 per article.
Green and Environmentally Friendly New Technologies
Green and Environmentally Friendly New Technologies (GEFNT) is a rigorous double-blind journal with open-access model. It not only covers green environmental protection technologies, such as energy conservation, emission reduction, green consumption and industrial green development, but also sound policies, such as optimizing and improving the dual control of energy consumption, improving the system of controlling the total pollutant discharge. Articles refers to the green new technologies are very welcomed. The types of articles are various, such as original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, etc.
The article processing charges is $800 per article.
International Journal of Value Engineering
3060-950X(Oline)、3060-9518(Print)International Journal of Value Engineering (VE) is an international open-access academic journal dedicated to publishing highly professional research in all fields related to value engineering. All manuscripts are subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process, to ensure quality and originality. We are interested in the original research discoveries. This journal also features a wide range of research in ancillary areas relevant to construction engineering. VE publishes original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, letters, brief commentaries, perspectives, methods, etc. The research topics of VE include but are not limited to:
- Studies on policies and advanced international experience in value engineering;
- Industrial production, engineering design and construction;
- Agile and lean manufacturing;
- Value engineering for national economic construction;
- Product research and development to enhance the value of products, systems, or services;
- Value application and engineering project cost management;
- New product design and optimization, process improvement, and innovative methods;
- Value engineering for non-engineering social systems.
- Engineering management transformation
Journal of Value Management
3082-8074(Online)、3082-8082 (Print)
Journal of Value Management (VM) is an international open-access academic journal dedicated to publishing highly professional research in all fields related to value theory and value management. All manuscripts are subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process, to ensure quality and originality. We are interested in the original research discoveries. This journal also features a wide range of research in ancillary areas relevant to supply chain, electronic procurement. VM publishes original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, letters, brief commentaries, perspectives, methods, etc. The research topics of VM include but are not limited to:
- Research on enterprise management, value management, value chain and supply chain;
- Value engineering for non-engineering social systems;
- Value chain strategies, planning, design, development, analysis and applications
- Technological interventions in value chains
- Supply chain management, logistics and distribution channel design
- Value/relationship management, trust, partnerships, strategic alliances
- Global sourcing, e-procurement and e-commerce
- Demand forecasting/planning, order fulfilment, quick response time
- Offering value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large
- Innovation, product development
- Knowledge network management