


In China, with the deepening of social development and the reform of colleges and universities, higher education has gradually shifted from “elite education” to mass education.  Although most colleges and universities have more students, the quality of education has  declined. This means that the popularization of higher education will inevitably lead to qualitative changes with the accumulation of quantity growth to a certain extent, and correspondingly bring about changes in educational concepts and innovation in management methods.  For a long time, student management work has been equated with administrative management work. The concept of replacing education with teaching leads to the common phenomenon that most colleges and universities pay more attention to teaching work than student  work. As a result, student management concept has insufficient innovation consciousness,  inaccurate positioning, insufficient attention, lagging construction of student management  team, shortage of personnel and low quality, making it difficult to play its educational function. Secondly, the traditional education mode in the past mainly relied on administrative  instruction means, and the management behavior is direct, and blunt and has certain educational effects, but at the same time, it also ignores the enthusiasm of students to participate in  management, reduces the initiative of students to self-management, and makes it difficult for  students to realize heartfelt thought change and form a good self-restraint mechanism. It has  been unable to meet the needs of cultivating diversified and personalized talents in today’s  society. Therefore, we must keep up with the pace of social development, closely follow the  pulse of the market, change the mode of personnel training, constantly enhance the school’s  school-running strength and education competitiveness, and optimize and innovate the student management mode.


Chapter 1 

1 Introduction / 1 

1.1 The Concept of College Student Management / 1 

1.2 The Object and Task of College Student Management / 2 

1.2.1 Objects of College Student Management / 2 

1.2.2 The Task of College Student Management / 4 

1.3 Guiding Ideology and Basic Principles of College Student Management / 5 

1.3.1 Guiding Ideology of College Student Management / 5 

1.3.2 Basic Principles of Student Management in Colleges and Universities / 8 

1.4 The Characteristics and Functions of College Student Management / 16 

1.4.1 The Characteristics of College Student Management / 16 

1.4.2 The Role of College Student Management / 18 Chapter 2

Management System of College Students / 21 

2.1 College Student Management Theory / 21 

2.1.1 The Basic Functions of College Student Management / 21 

2.1.2 The Goal Pursuit of College Student Management / 23 

2.1.3 The Rights and Obligations of Colleges and Universities and Students / 26

2.2 College Student Management Mode / 27 

2.2.1 Adhere to the Fundamental Value Orientation of Society as the Foundation / 28 

2.2.2 The Rigid Management Concept with System as the Center / 29 

2.2.3 Top-down Centralized Organization and Management Structure / 30 

2.2.4 Emphasize the Uniform and Standardized Management Mode / 32 

2.2.5 Focus on the Routine Basis of Transactional Management Content / 33 

2.2.6 The Manual Management Means Integrating Information Technology / 34 

2.3 Innovation of College Students’ Community Management / 35 

2.3.1 Connotation of College Community Management / 35 

2.3.2 The Connotation of Grid Management / 35 

2.3.3 The Common Problems in the Application of Grid Management Concept in College Community Management / 36 

2.3.4 The Application of Grid Management Mode in College Student Community Management / 37 

2.4 College Students’ Social Practice Management Innovation / 38 

2.4.1 The Main Mode of College Students’ Social Practice / 38 

2.4.2 Independent Management Innovation of College Students’ Social Practice / 39 

2.4.3 Summarize the Methods of Self-management / 42 

2.5 College Student Dormitory Management Innovation / 44 

2.5.1 The Basic Content of College Student Dormitory Management / 44 

2.5.2 The Basic Mode of Dormitory Management of College Students in China / 45 

2.5.3 The Management of College Students’ Dormitories / 47 

2.5.4 The Basic Principles of College Student Dormitory Management Reform / 49 

2.5.5 College Student Dormitory Management Innovation Path / 53 

2.5.6 The Guarantee of College Student Dormitory Management Reform / 57 

2.6 College Students Reward and Punishment System Innovation / 60 

2.6.1 The Importance of the Establishment of Reward and Punishment System / 60 

2.6.2 The Deficiencies of the Reward and Punishment System for College Students / 62 

2.6.3 The Concept Innovation and Measures Improvement of the Reward and Punishment System for College Students / 64 Chapter 3 

University Student Affairs Management Innovation / 71 

3.1 Content of University Student Affairs Management / 71 

3.1.1 Connotation of University Student Affairs Management / 71 

3.1.2 The Concept and Operation System of University Student Affairs Management / 7

23.1.3 The Collaborative Operation Mechanism of University Student Affairs Management / 74 

3.2 Current Situation of University Student Affairs Management / 76 

3.2.1 The Comparison of the Two Forms of Students’ Participation in University Student Affairs Management / 76 

3.2.2 The University Student Affairs Management Operation Mechanism / 81 

3.3 College Student Affairs Management Innovation Path / 88 

3.3.1 The Experience of Student Affairs Management in American Colleges and Universities / 88 

3.3.2 The Innovation Path of College Student Affairs Management in China / 94 Chapter 4 

Innovation and Development of College Students’ Employment Guidance / 111 

4.1 College Students’ Employment Guidance Theory / 111 

4.1.1 The Origin and Concept of Employment Guidance / 111 

4.1.2 Purpose of Employment Guidance for College Students / 113 

4.1.3 Tasks of Employment Guidance for College Students / 113 

4.2 Significance of College Students’ Employment Guidance / 115 

4.2.1 The Necessity of Employment Guidance in Colleges and Universities / 115 

4.2.2 The Significance of Colleges and Universities to Carry out Employment Guidance / 116 

4.3 College Students Employment Guidance Work Existing Problems and Reasons / 117 

4.3.1 The Social Cognition of the Employment Guidance Work of Contemporary College Students / 117 

4.3.2 The Problems Existing in the Employment Guidance of Contemporary College  Students / 121 

4.3.3 The Reasons for the Problems in the Employment Guidance of Contemporary  College Students / 122 

4.4 College Students’ Employment Guidance Work Innovation Path / 128 

4.4.1 Improve the Employment Guidance System for College Students / 128 

4.4.2 Enrich the Content of Employment Guidance for Contemporary College Students / 133 

4.4.3 Improve the Work Methods of Employment Guidance for Contemporary College  Students / 137 

4.4.4 Optimize the Working Environment of Employment Guidance for Contemporary  College Students / 143Chapter 5 

Application of Ideological and Political Education Management Carrier in  Colleges and Universities / 149 

5.1 Type and Function of the Carrier of Ideological and Political Education Management for College Students / 149 

5.1.1 The Types of College Students’ Ideological and Political Education Management  Carriers / 149 

5.1.2 The Basic Characteristics of Ideological and Political Education Carriers in Colleges and Universities / 153 

5.1.3 The Function of College Ideological and Political Education Management Carrier / 154 

5.2 College Students Ideological and Political Education Management Carrier Application Status and Improvement / 157 

5.2.1 The Problems Existing in the Application of Ideological and Political Education  Carrier in Colleges and Universities / 157 

5.2.2 The Causes of Problems in the Application of Ideological and Political Education  Carriers in Colleges and Universities / 160 

5.2.3 The Strategies of Strengthening the Carrier Construction of Ideological and Political Education in Universities / 163 

5.2.4 The Development of the Carrier of Implicit Ideological and Political Education in  Colleges and Universities / 170 Chapter 6 

Integration of Traditional Culture in Ideological and Political Education in  Colleges and Universities / 175

6.1 Value and Path of Integrating Traditional Culture into Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities / 175 

6.1.1 The Value of Integrating Traditional Culture into Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities / 175 

6.1.2 The Practice Path of Integrating Traditional Culture into Ideological and Political  Education in Colleges and Universities / 184 

6.2 Inheritance of Traditional Skills in the College Curriculum / 185 

6.2.1 The Background of Integrating Traditional Skills into College Curriculum System / 185 

6.2.2 The Current Situation of Integrating Traditional Skills into College Curriculum  System / 186 

6.2.3 The Significance of Integrating Traditional Skills into College Curriculum System / 187 

6.2.4 The Reform of Traditional Skills Curriculum / 188

6.2.5 The Path of Integrating Traditional Skills into the College Curriculum System / 191 

6.3 Integration of Traditional Skills and Ideological and Political Education / 193 

6.3.1 “Chinese Traditional Art” Course Ideological and Political Thinking and Objectives / 193 

6.3.2 The Exploration of Ideological and Political Education Resources of “Chinese  Traditional Art” Course / 194 

6.3.3 Give Full Play to the Advantages of Traditional Skill Courses in Ideology and Politics / 196 

6.3.4 Extend the Length of Ideological and Political Courses / 198 Chapter 7 

Innovative Exploration of College Students’ Management Work / 201 

7.1 Innovation Research of College Student Management Mode / 201 

7.1.1 The Problems of Management Mode / 201 

7.1.2 The Innovative Method of Management Mode / 202 

7.2 Problems and Innovation of University Student Management under the Background  of Internet+ / 203 

7.2.1 The Problems of University Student Management under the Background of Internet+ / 204 

7.2.2 The Innovation of College Student Management under the Background of Internet+ / 206 

References / 209


Hu Helong, male, Han nationality, born in Gaozhou, Guangdong Province in December 1988, Master of Engineering management, senior engineer. Now he works in the student Affairs Department of Yangjiang Campus of Guangdong Ocean University, and is engaged in student management full-time. I have long been focused on the research of student work, ideological and political education, management, social work, information theory, etc. I participated in the compilation of several books, such as Exploration of Strategies for Improving the Employment and Entrepreneurship Ability of College Students in the New Era, Research on Innovative Ideas of College Students' Management, and Making the World a Better Place, which won the Excellent Achievement Award of Education and Teaching Research of Guangzhou Education Society in 2021.


Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) programme 


Name(s): Helong Hu

Title: Research on University Student Work Management/ By Helong Hu.

Description: Singapore : 新加坡文理出版社, 2023.

Identifier: OCN 1416777754 | ISBN 978-981-18-8968-4 (paperback)

Subject(s): Research on University Student Work Management.|University Student Work Management .

BRN: 300007346

Classification: DDC 378.1--dc23