Exploration of computer network technology and security management and maintenance

  • Quan Liu
Keywords: Computer; Network Technology; Security Management; Maintenance Measures


With the rapid development of computer network technology, people’s production and lifestyle have undergone great changes. Due to the universal application and promotion of computer network in all walks of life, coupled with the deepening of smart phones, it makes people become more and more dependent on the information on the network. With the development of computer network technology, peo_x005fple’s work, production and life have been greatly improved, but at the same time it also brings some information security problems related to it. In recent years, the network information security problems that have frequently appeared and been detected in China are strong examples. In the era of networking and informationization, enhancing people’s understanding of computer network security and managing and protecting it are important means to ensure the normal operation of computer networks and safeguard information security.


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