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Study on construction management of large underground domestic waste transfer station
Haiben Yang
Hangzhou Environmental Group Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310000,China
Keywords: large; fully underground type; waste transfer station; engineering construction; engineering management
In the current urban environmental operation system, domestic waste transfer stations, as indispensable transfer hubs in the collection, transportation and treatment of solid waste, are playing an increasingly important role. At the same time, with the gradual expansion of the scope of garbage collection and transportation, the increasing environmental requirements for sewage, odor, and noise, as well as the increasingly mature concept of building and environment coordination, and garden type base, large underground domestic garbage transfer stations are increasingly becoming the preferred optionfor engineering construction. Based on a project of an underground domestic waste transfer station in Hangzhou, this article analyzes the keypoints related to the construction and management of the transfer station in terms of its construction mode, process logistics, construction difficulties, operational efficiency, and stability maintenance work,with a view to providing reference and reference for the management and control of similar projects in the future.
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