Industrial Management Advances


3029-1674 (Online)

Journal Abbreviation:

ISSN: 3029-1674(online)
Industrial Management Advances (IMA) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of industrial management. The journal welcomes submissions from worldwide researchers, and practitioners in the field of industrial management, which can be original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, commentaries, etc.

The article processing charges is $800 per article.

Table of Contents

Open Access
by Gayatri Patil, Gauri Pansambal, Sanket Pandit, Abhay Pawar, Parth Nalawade
2024,2(2);    131 Views
Abstract "Emograph: Transforming Customer Sentiment into Actionable Insights for Smarter Purchasing" introduces a cutting-edge approach to understanding customer sentiments and translating them into practical strategies for informed decision-making. In simpler terms, it's about using advanced technology to figure out how customers feel about products or services, and then using that information to make smarter choices.Imagine you're a business owner. You want to know what your customers think about your products. Emograph helps you do that. It uses fancy tools and techniques to analyze data from customers - like what they say on social media, in reviews, or even in surveys. Then, it breaks down all that information to figure out if people like your stuff or not. Basically, Emograph is like having a super-smart assistant who listens to what your customers are saying, translates it into plain English, and then gives you advice on what to do next. It's like having a secret weapon for making your business even better. And in today's world, where understanding customers is key to success.
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Open Access
by Sakshi Tayade, Akash Goyal, Pranjal Wani, Sanskruti Behar
2024,2(2);    50 Views
Abstract This paper presents a prescient investigation system for development destinations utilizing fake insights (AI) advances. The essential center of this inquire about is to create prescient models that use AI calculations to expect and moderate potential dangers and optimize development forms. Key components of the venture incorporate information collection from development destinations, highlight designing, demonstrate preparing, and assessment. Different machine learning and AI strategies are utilized to analyze chronicled information, distinguish designs, and figure future occasions such as extend delays, material deficiencies, and security risks. The proposed system points to upgrade decision-making forms in development administration by giving noteworthy experiences inferred from data-driven prescient analytics.
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Open Access
by Purwanto SarjanaKatidjan, Endah MurtianaSari
2024,2(2);    35 Views
Abstract Education Business in Indonesia have been growing rapidly, especially in higher education where a more professional handling is necessary in developing universities, especially private universities. The payroll system is very strategic, where it needs a better arrangement to form a fairness system for employees that impacts to motivation for higher contribution in the industry. This research aims to establish a payroll system that can be used by universities based on points from job evaluation mapping for every position in the organization structure. Through mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative), this research will produce a pay structure for higher ed-ucation based on points that reflects fairness for every members in the organization. Quantita-tive method is conducted by distributing questionnaires to measure the depth of the job descrip-tion of every positions based on the perception of the members in the organization, while quali-tative method is conducted through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Delphi method to form a consensus that agreed on the points from every position in the organization, through literature reviews, this research also aims to create a literature review schematics on the points criteria that is applied in higher education based on the position’s respective job descriptions. The output of this research can be used as a basis for job evaluation regular salary increase in higher education organizations. This research can benefit higher education in developing their pay structure to be fair and drive motivation for members to bring a positive impact for the organization in the long run.
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Open Access
by Fernanda CavicchioliZola, Jonathan , Guilherme MatheusJesus, Franciely VelozoAragão, Thallita PuziFerrassa, Letícia Idalgo, Daiane
2024,2(2);    41 Views
Abstract The effective management of pharmaceutical supply chains is essential for ensuring the availability of critical products, such as medicines, which are directly linked to public health. Supplier selection plays a pivotal role in maintaining a stable supply chain, requiring an evaluation framework that balances multiple, often conflicting, criteria. This paper addresses three research questions: (RQ1) How can a multicriteria decision-making framework effectively prioritize suppliers in a dynamic and competitive supply chain context? (RQ2) What are the critical factors influencing supplier evaluation in the pharmacy industry, and how can their relative importance be quantified? (RQ3) How robust is the proposed methodology when subjected to sensitivity analyses across varying criteria weights? To answer these questions, we propose a multicriteria decision-making approach for ranking suppliers within a pharmacy network to enhance decision-making and foster strategic partnerships. The study focused on five suppliers of a pharmacy network operating in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The Best-Worst Method (BWM) was used to determine the weights of the criteria and subcriteria, while the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) ranked the suppliers. The criteria related to economic efficiency and delivery reliability were given the highest weights, as they are critical to ensuring the stability of the pharmaceutical supply chain. The analysis of the suppliers showed that Supplier 3 consistently ranked first, with Supplier 1 and Supplier 2 completing the top three. Despite differences in their performance across various criteria, the results highlight the importance of using robust multicriteria frameworks to identify supplier strengths and weaknesses, mitigate supply chain risks, and support more informed and strategic decision-making processes.
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