by Fernanda CavicchioliZola, Jonathan , Guilherme MatheusJesus, Franciely VelozoAragão, Thallita PuziFerrassa, Letícia Idalgo, Daiane
The effective management of pharmaceutical supply chains is essential for ensuring the availability of critical products, such as medicines, which are directly linked to public health. Supplier selection plays a pivotal role in maintaining a stable supply chain, requiring an evaluation framework that balances multiple, often conflicting, criteria. This paper addresses three research questions: (RQ1) How can a multicriteria decision-making framework effectively prioritize suppliers in a dynamic and competitive supply chain context? (RQ2) What are the critical factors influencing supplier evaluation in the pharmacy industry, and how can their relative importance be quantified? (RQ3) How robust is the proposed methodology when subjected to sensitivity analyses across varying criteria weights? To answer these questions, we propose a multicriteria decision-making approach for ranking suppliers within a pharmacy network to enhance decision-making and foster strategic partnerships. The study focused on five suppliers of a pharmacy network operating in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The Best-Worst Method (BWM) was used to determine the weights of the criteria and subcriteria, while the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) ranked the suppliers. The criteria related to economic efficiency and delivery reliability were given the highest weights, as they are critical to ensuring the stability of the pharmaceutical supply chain. The analysis of the suppliers showed that Supplier 3 consistently ranked first, with Supplier 1 and Supplier 2 completing the top three. Despite differences in their performance across various criteria, the results highlight the importance of using robust multicriteria frameworks to identify supplier strengths and weaknesses, mitigate supply chain risks, and support more informed and strategic decision-making processes.
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