Production policy based on echelon base stocks for reverse logistics and industrial symbiosis: an IPA approach
Sophie Hennequin
Laboratoire de Génie Informatique, de Production et de Maintenance, Metz, France
Keywords: Inventory control, production planning and scheduling, industrial symbiosis, echelon base stock policy, stochastic fluid model, infinitesimal perturbation analysis.
Last years, the implementation of reverse loops in logistics and the deployment of industrial symbiosis becomes more important. However, these new activities management isn’t easy and it’s necessary to propose methodologies to facilitate the actors work. However, the existing studies are more at strategic level, aiming with implementation or cooperation. At the tactical/operational level, solutions are poorly effective and/or expensive. Our work targets an optimal production policy definition based on the base stock strategy adapted for an industrial symbiosis. The system is composed of two kinds of warehouses and three types of enterprises. The recovering depends on the kind of collected used finished products. All demands are uncertain such as the number of collected used finished products and generated waste. Then, the main objective is to minimize the sum of all economic, environmental and social costs by identifying the level of the base stocks. To do this, an infinitesimal perturbation analysis study is conducted to evaluate the gradient estimators of the objective function subject to an echelon base stock production policy. This result is then used in a simulation based-optimization algorithm to determine these stock levels and highlight our theoretical results by comparing with other replenishment strategy and mathematical programming.
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