Exploration of humanitarian construction logistics: Lessons from COVID-19 hospitals in China
Bashar Khoury
Department of Media Management, the University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, 37491-13357, Iran
Sylvain Chartron
Department of Business Studies & Economics, University of Bremen, St Paul Lez Durance, 13115, France
Huay LingTay
International Trade Management Minor, School of Business, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Clementi Road, 599494, Singapore
Keywords: construction logistics; humanitarian logistics; logistics management
This paper examines the role of Humanitarian Construction Logistics (HCL) in the swift construction of COVID-19 hospitals in Wuhan, China. These hospital-construction projects had been achieved professionally in despite of their complexities from an organizational and logistical perspectives such as limited time span, integration of multiple equipment and services, and need to coordinate multiple organizations and stakeholders participating in these projects. Drawing from observations and data from this emergency construction projects, we identify key lessons learned and discuss their implications for enhancing future disaster response efforts. Our analysis underscores the significance of effective management, prefabricated unit modules, transportation strategies, materials management, timescale management, and project management in streamlining emergency construction processes. By addressing these aspects, we aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian construction logistics globally, build strategic approach on how to coordinate the logistics flows to and from construction sites in emergency context, and present humanitarian construction logistics as a daily operations issue in humanitarian operations instead of approach in an ad hoc manner.
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