Supply Chain Research


3029-1682 (Online)

Journal Abbreviation:

ISSN: 3029-1682(Online)
Supply Chain Research (SCR) is an open-access journal. SCR refers to the study of raw material, parts, equipment, products, services, and capital flows in the industrial chain. It also includes the digitalization of supply chain, and the main scene is the digitalization of information flow, capital flow and logistics activities in the supply chain. Manuscripts related to the research and application of supply chain are very welcomed.

The article processing charges is $800 per article.

Table of Contents

Open Access
by Alexey Tyapukhin
2024,2(1);    117 Views
Abstract In the context of digitalization, some objectives and functions of logistics management can be transferred to digital twins equipped with modern information technologies and tools. However, significant revision of theory and methodology of management is needed to maximize the potential of these technologies and tools. The problem of effective use of digital logistics management is complicated because some management objects are non-physical related to human activity and difficult to digitize and algorithmize. In this article, based on terminological analysis, as well as descriptive and faceted methods of qualitative research, following results are obtained: a typical structure of logistics management of a supply chain link is developed; the place of logistics management of a focal enterprise in three-link supply chain is determined; features of the structure of logistics management implemented at the junction of supply chain links are clarified; a typical organizational structure of logistics management division is proposed; a system of binary codes of logistics management objects has been developed for their correct transfer into the structure of instances and aggregate of a digital twin. The value of the study lies in the creation of theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the digitalization of non-physical objects of logistics management in order to develop rational management decisions using the digital twin containing blocks: consumer value; management system; chain in statics and dynamics; environmental factors.
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