Community and Ecology


3029-2239 (Online)

Journal Abbreviation:

ISSN: 3029-2239(Online)
Community and Ecology (CE) is an international open access journal publishing articles related to the ecological research. It serves as a forum for global community ecologists to exchange innovative ideas and disseminate advances in the study of the interactions between species in communities, ecological conservation, etc. This journal publishes various article types, including editorials, original research articles, review articles, and commentaries. Submissions are peer-reviewed and accepted manuscripts will be published online immediately after the production process.

The article processing charges is $800 per article.

Table of Contents

Open Access
by Shoma Hore
2024,2(1);    160 Views
Abstract This study presents a thorough examination of the chemical properties inherent to soil, with a focus on the unique context of Bangladesh. Soil functions are intricately linked to its chemical composition, which plays a vital role in determining agricultural productivity and ecological vitality. The soil within Bangladesh's geographical boundaries is characterized by its richness and fertility, contributing significantly to its agricultural output and overall ecosystem health. By delving into the chemical properties of Bangladeshi soil, this review aims to enhance our understanding of this dynamic ecosystem. Insights gained from this exploration can shed light on factors influencing soil fertility, nutrient availability, and overall ecosystem health, thereby informing strategies for sustainable land management and agricultural practices in Bangladesh and beyond.
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Open Access
by Mayssara El Bouhissi, Walid Dahmani, Mohamed Ait Hammou, Abdelwahab Chedad, Sadine Salah Eddine
2024,2(1);    87 Views
Abstract Acanthodactylus savignyi is one of Algeria's endemic and rare reptile species. A population of this species has been identified in a new locality within the Sidi Bel Abbes region in the Northwest of Algeria. This study provides a brief description of the species in this explored area, highlighting its ecological significance and potential conservation needs.
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Open Access
by Muhammad Shafiq, Muhammad ZafarIqbal, Mohammad Athar
2024,2(1);    20 Views
Abstract Calotropis procera (Aiton) R. Br. is flowering desert plant species. C. procera is a broad leaves, evergreen shrub of the milk weed family. C. procera is playing a positive economic and ecological role in the conditions of aridity. The seedling growth ability of C. procera found well adapted in dry climatic conditions. The different parts (leaves, fruits, flower, bark, stem, whole part) of C. procera used for the treatment of diarrhea, malaria, cancer, jaundice, rheumatism, fever, diabetes, and many skin disease problems traditionally since long period of human beings. C. procera also utilized for fodder, fuel, phytoremediation and synthesis of nanoparticles. The published research article data was searched from different electronic engines English databases likewise, Google, Google Scholar, NIH (National Library of Medicine), Conbio (Society for Conservation of Biology), PubMed and science direct. The goal of this review was to search and analyze the research articles available covering period of 1981-2024 on C. procera. The C. procera is playing helping role in balancing the desert ecosystem due to its better adaptation potential to such diverse climatic conditions. Many researchers have reported that the change of climatic conditions, scarcity of water and indiscriminate discharge of various types of toxic pollutants, overgrazing, and some natural activities responsible for the main reason of decline of this plant species since last couple of decades very rapidly. The present review findings would be helpful for conservation groups, ecologist, nongovernmental organizations, and governmental sectors, researchers, land manager, environmental manager and field management, industrial sectors and pharmaceutical sectors are working on this aspect at regional and international levels.
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