Community and Ecology


3029-2239 (Online)

Journal Abbreviation:

ISSN: 3029-2239(Online)
Community and Ecology (CE) is an international open access journal publishing articles related to the ecological research. It serves as a forum for global community ecologists to exchange innovative ideas and disseminate advances in the study of the interactions between species in communities, ecological conservation, etc. This journal publishes various article types, including editorials, original research articles, review articles, and commentaries. Submissions are peer-reviewed and accepted manuscripts will be published online immediately after the production process.

The article processing charges is $800 per article.

Table of Contents

Open Access
by S. Kundu, J. Alzabut, M. E.Samei, H. Khan
2023,1(1);    503 Views
Abstract Prey-predator models with a refuge effect are particularly significant in ecology. The two common conceptions of refuge in the literature are continual refuge and refuge pro-portionate to prey. Academics are already paying attention to new types of refuge concepts. Prey-predator interaction has become a prominent issue in recent biomathe-matical studies due to its environmental influence. In this paper, the habitat complexity of a predator-prey model with Hassell-Varley type functional response is considered. For this, we focused our study on the question of existence and uniqueness in Sec. 2. And Sec. 3 is devoted to show a generalized stability. Note that this representation also al-lows us to generalize the results obtained recently in the literature. In Sec. 4, we have studied the numerical algorithm for the suggested problem. The paper is ended by two examples illustrating our results.
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Open Access
by Abdelwahab Chedad, Abdelhakim Bouzid, Abdelouahab BenAbderrahman, Walid Dahmani, Mohamed AitHammou, Mohamed AmineBouzidi, Mahmoud Mezzi, Amor Bendjedidi, Tayeb HadjMhammed
2023,1(1);    468 Views
Abstract Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola, is one of Algeria’s rare bird species. During the international waterbird census in the month of May for the year 2023 using the direct observation method, a single individual of the Grey Plover was spotted at Kef Doukhane wetland in Ghardaïa on May 16, 2023. This is the first observation in the Sahara with a new locality in Algeria.
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Open Access
by Dongjie Zhang, Shiya Gao, Xuepeng Liu, Junping Tian, Yongxin Wei, Hui Wang, Xiaoxuan Shi, Wenjun He
2023,1(1);    401 Views
Abstract Carex schmidtii wetland, as a unique landscape in the Momoge National Nature Reserve, has suffered from serious degradation due to climate change and anthropogenic disturbance before 2017 and soil properties of degraded tussock meadows have changed in last 30 years. In the present work, typical (TT), slightly degraded (SLT), severely degraded (SET) and completely degraded (CDT) tussock wetlands based on plant coverage was used to construct the degradation succession so as to study the effects of tussock degradation on soil properties. Soil physicochemical properties, stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) in plants and soil organic carbon (SOC) were thoroughly investigated in field so as to predict the consequences of tussock degradation. Results showed that soil pH value was decreased with the degree of tussock degradation increased. The SOC, total nitrogen and total phosphorus of SLT had peak values among the four wetlands. The δ13C value in soil and plants demonstrated that the change of SOC during degradation process have no significant relevance with Carex schmidtii. Principal component analysis indicated that the clusters of TT and SLT are different from SET and CDT. Tussock degradation had a significant negative effect on soil properties. The findings can contribute to establishing the evidence for predicting the influences of tussock degradation on soil properties in Momoge wetland.
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Open Access
by Martina Gaglioti
2023,1(1);    378 Views
Abstract N/A
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Open Access
by Ali Uyan
2023,1(1);    391 Views
Abstract N/A
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