Revised Interpretation of Energy Consumption Per Unit Product of Electrolytic Aluminum and Alumina

  • Xianghui Cang
  • Jin Wang
  • Shuchao Zhang
Keywords: Electrolytic Aluminum; Alumina; Energy Consumption; Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction


To meet the needs of China's green, low carbon and high quality development combined with the revision of the unit energy consumption standards for electrolytic aluminum and aluminum oxide products in the relevant industries, energy consumption levels, statistical scope and other content, in accordance with enterprise research, departmental regulations, industry needs to integrate and revise the original standards. It is conducive to guiding the aluminum smelting industry to increase energy saving and carbon reduction efforts, eliminate backward production capacity and process equipment, promote the research and development and promotion of energy-saving technology for aluminum smelting, and provide technical support for the implementation of energy-saving and carbon reduction goals for the aluminum smelting industry.


NDRC. Notice on improving the ladder electricity price policy of electrolytic aluminum industry [EB/OL] NDRC Price〔2021〕No. 1239.

NDRC. Notice on the Release of Energy Efficiency Benchmark Levels and Benchmark Levels in Key Areas of High Energy Consumption Industries (2021 version)[EB/OL]NDRC Price〔2021〕No. 1609.

GB 21346-2013, The norm of energy consumption per unit product of electrolytic aluminum[S].
