Pattern Discrimination

  • Xin Cao
Keywords: Image Batch Cropping; Transitive Closure Method; Boundary Matching Model


This paper makes use of the preliminary analysis of the image, through its basic image features, to find the suitable model and algorithm. Using Matlab to process the image, and then using fuzzy clustering analysis, boundary matching model and other analysis, to achieve the purpose of solving the problem. In view of the first problem, the image is prepared for processing first, and the image is segmented in batches. Since the image given by the attachment is BMP form, we first use MATLAB to process the image given by the attachment, so that it is stored in the standard data storage format of Matlab. In view of problem two, we first define the submatrix by defining the search neutralization domain and the coverage domain, and then establish the boundary matching method model, and for the first time the left and right boundary of the matrix to be obtained and the left and right boundary of the obtained submatrix are matched.


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