Analysis of Common Interference and Control Measures in Electronic Communications

  • Zhihua Fang
Keywords: Electronic Communication; Interference Issues; Control Measures


In response to the current situation of electronic communication in China, analysis can be conducted from the perspectives of influencing factors and solutions. With the rapid development of society and technology in our country, we have broken through new development rates. Based on the continuous efforts of relevant technical staff, China's electronic communication technology has achieved milestone development in recent years. As the most important assistance facility, the utilization rate of electronic communication has been fully covered. Within the entire society, most areas have been covered by electronic devices, bringing great convenience to our lives. Especially nowadays, the reliance on electronic communication equipment in China is becoming increasingly strong, such as the high installation rate of WiFi, which has achieved coverage in most regions. Based on this, this article analyzes the current situation of electronic communication and common interference and control measures.


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