A Review: Assessment of Hba1c as A Diagnostic Tool in Diabetes Mellitus

  • Md. AshiqurRahman Lab. Scientific Officer, Novus Clinical Research Services Limited (NCRSL), Bangladesh
  • Sadia Islam Junior Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Specialized Hospital Limited (BSHL), Bangladesh
  • Md. Al-AminHossen Clinical Biochemist, United Hospital Limited, Bangladesh
  • Mamun Mia MS Student, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS), Bangladesh
  • Khaleda Ferdous Lecturer, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS), Bangladesh
Keywords: HbA1c; Diabetes mellitus; eAG; Hyperglycemia.


Background: Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) measures the average plasma glucose level over the two to three months before by expressing the ratio of total to glycated hemoglobin. It has emerged as the most significant indicator of long-term hyperglycemia and is highly associated with late complications from diabetes. Now that the analysis has been standardized, it may be linked to international reference sources and reference techniques. The major method for identifying diabetes was made possible by the standardization of HbA1c analyses. The addition of HbA1c as a diagnostic tool will simplify the diagnosis of diabetes compared to the glucose criteria, and should increase the avoidance of late consequences of diabetes, despite some limitations in which HbA1c is not reflective of average glucose concentration.


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