Modeling and Analysis of Community Group Buying Product Information Dissemination Based on SEIR Model
Yi Shao
Keywords: community group buying; information dissemination; SEIR model; social network
This paper constructs a SEIR epidemic model that conforms to the community group buying product information dissemination in the WeChat social network based on the improved SEIR epidemic model, studies the dynamic information dissemination process of products in the WeChat social network, and compares the user’s total number, infection probability and group effect on information dissemination. The results show that the user’s total number is positively correlated with the information dissemination breadth, the larger the infection probability , the more users receive the information, the faster the information dissemination speed, the interest threshold in the group effect is positively correlated with the information dissemination speed, and the quality of the product will have a certain impact on the interest threshold. This paper has some reference value for the product information push mechanism and environment optimization of the community group buying platform.
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