How public Relations and advertising respond to the changes brought about by AI: Strategies and practices
Qinling Zhong
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Public relations; Advertising industry; Change; Strategy and practice
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, the public relations and advertising industry is facing profound changes. To meet this challenge, the industry needs to develop appropriate strategies and put them into practice. Pay attention to data privacy protection and establish strict privacy policy; review and adjust algorithms to ensure no prejudice and discrimination; guarantee the authen_x005fticity and quality of content, establish strict standards and strengthen audit. At the same time, establish a cooperation and communication mechanism to promote internal and external collaboration in the industry; strengthen staff training and cross-field talent training; and implement continuous monitoring and evaluation to adapt to the continuous development of AI technology. Through these strategies and practices, the public relations and advertising industry can better respond to the changes brought about by AI and create greater value for society and consumers.
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