Research on special eff ects technology under digital technology

  • Qiuyun Zhu
  • Ruojuan Jiang
Keywords: digital technology; Special eff ects; Technical analysis


After a hundred years of development, the film and television media industry continues to mature, forming a mature set of visual language arts. Among them, the development of film and television special effects technology is particularly outstanding, which presents a lot of breathtaking pictures for people, and contributes to the development of modern fi lm and television media. Film and television special eff ects are based on computer image generation, digital image processing, virtual reality technology and animation synthesis technology, special processing of the lens to present special effects technology. Starting from the concept and development of fi lm and television special eff ects, this paper probes into the specifi c realization method and operation process of fi lm and television special eff ects technology under digital technology, and makes a comprehensive analysis and research on fi lm and television special eff ects technology.


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