A comparative analysis of the design of the Eastern and Western Nautilus cups

  • Jia Qi
  • Meihui Yu
Keywords: design comparison; Nautilus cup; East and West; Styling


The Nautilus cup was first discovered in the Jin Dynasty of China. With the development of new navigation, it was introduced into Europe and became a witness of Eastern and Western civilization. It is an example of the integration of Eastern and Western cultures. Because of the diff erent aesthetic concepts and value orientation at home and abroad, there are diff erent degrees of diff erences in the shape and decoration of the Nautilus cup. This paper aims to explore the diff erences between Chinese and Western Nautilus cups through the analysis of their cultural backgrounds and artistic characteristics. The results show that Chinese Nautilus cups pay more attention to practicality, while western ones pay more attention to decoration. This diff erence can be attributed to the diff erence in the social background of “the prevalence of drinking” and “the Age of Great voyages” between the East and the West at that time, as well as the diff erence in the philosophical thoughts of “both writing and quality” and advocating “individual freedom”.


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