Exploration on the construction of professional quality system of rail transit equipment under the background of new era

  • Chunyan Yao
Keywords: New era; Rail transit; professionalism


The equipment manufacturing industry is an important part of the national economy and national defense construction, with the characteristics of high industrial correlation, strong driving force, high technical content, strong driving ability, etc. The manufacturing industry is an important carrier to build a strong manufacturing country, is the only way to realize the Chinese dream, is an important symbol1 of comprehensive national strength. At present, China’s rail transit equipment manufacturing industry has entered the camp of intelligent equipment intelligent manufacturing, with the continuous expansion and wide application of artifi cial intelligence fi eld, to further promote the rapid transformation and upgrading of rail transit equipment industry. Vocational education is the main position of rail transit industry skills personnel training, which means that rail transit industry related majors need to reconstruct the knowledge system, ability system2, literacy system, in the “three comprehensive education” environment to cultivate lifelong learning ability, multi-technology composite, multi-disciplinary literacy of the new era of technical skills personnel. To further support the great changes in the new era of equipment manufacturing industry.


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