Cybersecurity Risks and Countermeasures in Digital Communication Systems

  • Yongjin Liu Xihua University
Keywords: Digital communication systems; Cybersecurity risks; Encryption techniques; Authentication and authorization; Intrusion detection; Security protocols; Security management


With the widespread application of digital communication systems, cybersecurity issues have increasingly become a critical factor affecting communication stability and data security. This paper aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of the cybersecurity risks present in digital communication systems and explore corresponding countermeasures. Initially, the article outlines the basic composition and working principles of digital communication systems, followed by a detailed analysis of common types of network attacks and their impact on the system. Based on this, the paper discusses various cybersecurity technologies and countermeasures, including encryption techniques, authentication and authorization mechanisms, intrusion detection and prevention systems, security protocols and standards, and security management strategies. Through case studies, the paper further validates the effectiveness of these measures. Finally, the article looks ahead to the future trends and challenges in the cybersecurity of digital communication systems, emphasizing the importance of continuous innovation and international cooperation. The research findings of this paper are of significant theoretical and practical importance for enhancing the cybersecurity protection capabilities of digital communication systems.


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