Examining the credit supply chain network problems of Iran’s banking industry Using Work-Centered Analysis (WCA) framework

  • Eissa Jabbarzadeh PhD in technology management, Progress Engineering Faculty, Iran University of Science and Technology
  • Ebrahim Teimoury Professor of Industrial Engineering Faculty, Iran University of Science and Technology
  • Saeed Shavvalpoor Associate Professor of Iran University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Credit supply chain network, Supply Chain Finance (SCF), Work-Centered Analysis (WCA) methodology, Technology-Based Companies (TBC), Banking industry; Diagnosis


In the situation where the main credit supply of the country’s enterprises is done through the banking system, it is necessary to analyze and explore the defects of the financing and credit supply relationship between banks and enterprises. This study is considered a descriptive-applied research and the required data were collected through library studies, workplace observation, and interviews with process experts. In this research, 37 credit experts from 17 different bank branches were interviewed about the process of granting facilities. Work-Centered Analysis (WCA) framework and conducting audits through questionnaires and related checklists revealed that the structure of Iran’s credit supply chain network suffers from such problems as deviation in the appropriate use of allocated credit resources, structural faults of the banking system and lack of administrative health, high bureaucracy, directed facilities, etc. In the end, some suggestions are provided for redesign and optimization of the credit supply network.


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