Methodology for assessing a logistics chain capability based on a value-based approach

  • Alexey P.Tyapukhin Orenburg Branch, Economics Institute of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Capability, Logistics, Chain, Value, Factor, Environment.


The logistics chain creates value for the end user by competing with other logistics chains, therefore it is necessary to more accurately measure, calculate and evaluate its potential depending on the specific management situation. The solution of these objectives requires qualitative methods of research of logistics chains based on the use of classification attributes and dichotomies of management objects, the combination of which allows us to justify clear criteria for assessing the potential of a logistics chain of two types. The article substantiates the content of the terms “potential of a logistics chain” and “logistics potential”, offers options for the potential of a logistics chain focused on creating values for end consumers of products and services; based on the set of relevant qualitative attributes, the structure of the potential of a logistics chain, including four groups of criteria, is substantiated; a methodology for calculating the potential of a logistics chain is developed. The obtained results will allow us to assess the compliance of the potential of logistics chain with the demands and content of the value of end consumers of products and services; to determine its strengths and weaknesses; to develop measures to adapt the potential of the logistics chain to a specific management situation and create methodological prerequisites for digitalization of the methodology for calculating the potential of a logistics chain.


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