The Marginal Contribution of Heckman's Non Cognitive Ability Research to China's New Human Capital and Education System

  • Lingxuan Fang Organization Department of the Party Committee of Lanzhou University of resources and environment/Lyceum of Philippines University Batangas, Door of Philsophy in Managent
  • Xiang Wei School of Business, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Keywords: Non cognitive abilities; Personality and cognitive testing; New human capital; Educational economic trade-offs; Educational human capital


The theory of human capital originated from economic research. In the 1960s, American economists Schultz and Becker founded the theory of human capital, opening up new ideas about human production capacity. This theory believes that human capital is the capital reflected in the human body, which is the sum of expenses for education, vocational training, and the opportunity cost of receiving education for producers. It is manifested as the total stock of various production knowledge, labor and management skills, and health qualities contained in the human body. The theory of the education system in this article is crucial. The contribution of this study is to use economic analysis tools to propose the construction of an education oriented approach, providing a new path analysis for how to shape new human capital in China's national conditions, and contributing new elements to the construction of a Chinese style human capital system.


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