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Open Access
by Derrick FabriceNgueguim, Marc KenmogneKouam, Georges Fonkwa, Hermann BiekopFandio, Jacques Nack, Julius Awah-Ndukum
2023,1(1);    547 Views
Abstract Intensification of the fish farming sector in Cameroon can result to reduction of profitability and public health concerns due to emergence of parasites amongst which zoonotic ones. Unfortunately, limited and outdated data are available on internal parasites of reared fish as well as their impact on the infected fish. A total of 2254 live fish samples of males and females were randomly obtained made up of Clarias gariepinus (692), Cyprinus carpio (593) and Oreochromis niloticus (969). The skin, the gastrointestinal tract of the fish was examined for the presence of parasite, using standard procedures. An overall prevalence of 8.47% coupled with a very low intensity was assessed. This study revealed a diverse parasitic fauna made up of Acanthocephala sp. (4.84%), Cappilaria sp. (1.91%), Eustrongylides sp. (1.06%), Camallanus sp. (1.2%) and Orientatractis sp. (0.34%). Meanwhile, intensities mean values were higher in Cappilaria sp. followed by Eustrongyloides sp., Camallanus sp. and finally Acanthocephalus sp. Prevalence of internal parasites was higher in Cyprinus carpio (8.77%). Clarias Gariepinus on the other hand, had a higher intensity. Fish were mostly infected during the dry season. Nevertheless, a high parasitic load was observed in the rainy season. Specimens collected in the earthen ponds show a higher prevalence (p
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Open Access
by Syed ShoyebHossain
2023,1(1);    458 Views
Abstract This paper ffrst analyzes the changing pattern of temperature and precipitation and then constructs a Denitriffcation-Decomposition (DNDC) model to better understand the climate change impact on crop yields in Bangladesh. In the DNDC model, historical daily precipitation and temperature data used for baseline scenario and projected data have been taken from general circulation model (GCM). Different general circulation models (GCM) have been employed to analyze and estimate future temperatures and precipitations. The result of the general circulation model (GCM) study ffnds that the overall temperature in Bangladesh tends to increase by 1.5 0C and 2.8 0 C in the years 2030 and 2050. Precipitation patterns are also projected to increase in 2030 and 2050. The result from the Denitriffcation-Decomposition (DNDC) model ffnds that overall rice, corn, winter wheat, potato, vegetable, and pulses yields decrease both in 2030 and 2050, and decrease more rapidly in 2050. In the year 2050, the output of rice, potatoes, and pulses falls by -33%, -35%, and -54%, respectively, while the production of corn and wheat falls by -22% collectively. Since rice is the main food consumed in Bangladesh, a decline in rice output will pose a serious threat to the country's ability to feed itself.
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Open Access
by Mosfudar Rahaman
2023,1(1);    350 Views
Abstract Healthcare facilities has generally been identified as a major indicator of development and social wellbeing of a society. It is a major complement to a strong, dynamic and progressive society. Health infrastructure is an important indicator to understand the health care delivery provisions and mechanisms in a region. This paper is an attempt to find out the level of health infrastructure in Dakshin Dinajpur. This paper also tries to identify the existing gaps in health care facilities and to provide some recommendations for improvement of infrastructure facilities to ensure the better service.
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Open Access
by Thiago SimonatoMozer
2023,1(1);    421 Views
Abstract The use of synthetic pheromones and natural pesticides has proven to be a viable alternative to the use of pesticides. The pest control technique using pheromones consists of interfering with the reproduction of insects through sexual confusion or attracting them to a trap through mass collection.
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Open Access
by Sreenath Dixit
2023,1(1);    371 Views
Abstract International Cooperation: A Global Imperative for Dealing with Ecological Risks
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