Investigation and analysis of Freshmen’s admission psychology and coping strategies -- Taking Yancheng Normal University as an example

  • Ting Li
Keywords: psychological investigation; Freshmen; strategy


Freshmen’s mental health education is the basic work of teaching and ideological education in Colleges and universities, and it is an important part of the whole college students’ learning career. It helps freshmen to complete the role transformation from middle school students to college students as soon as possible, face themselves squarely, position scientifi cally, and pass through the confused period of life smoothly, so as to adapt to the study and life of the University, It is an important issue faced by every university. This paper will specifi cally explore the freshmen’s psychological investigation and analysis and coping strategies -- Taking Yancheng Normal University as an example, and put forward corresponding strategies to create a campus environment more conducive to college students’ learning and growth, so as to improve college students’ mental health level


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