by Qing Li1, Fengyi Zhang1, Huiling Dai1, Yun Gao1, Lili Sun1, Ting Li
the university classroom is diff erent from the junior high school classroom, mainly because the length of the university
classroom is relatively limited, and the teaching content is more and more diffi cult. 3. In particular, for medical courses, teachers must
complete the teaching progress in a limited time, but such a non-stop teaching method often makes students unable to keep up with and
understand, resulting in fear and even weariness of learning. Although this contradiction has always existed, it has never been properly
solved. If this problem is solved, it will greatly improve the teaching efficiency. If students can keep up with the teaching progress of
teachers, it will also make the subject content easier. Therefore, we should think about how to make students have a certain understanding of
the course content before class. It is not diffi cult to solve this problem. The key is to focus on how to make students eff ectively “Preview”.
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