Research and practice on "Five-in-one" talent cultivation system of modern fi nancial professional group based on the transformation of old and new driving forces

  • Shaohui Zhan
Keywords: Transformation of old and new growth drivers; Modern fi nance professional group; Five-in-one; Talent training system


Accelerating the transformation of old and new driving forces is an important strategic deployment for Shandong Province to take the lead in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and opening the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. Modern fi nance is listed as ten key industries in the Implementation Plan of the Major Project of Transforming Old and new driving Forces in Shandong Province. How to deepen the integration of industry and education and cooperation between schools and enterprises in the construction of professional clusters to meet the new needs of major projects to transform old growth drivers from new ones? This paper will carry out research on this problem, explore and innovate the fi ve-in-one talent training system of modern fi nancial professional groups, provide high-quality development services for the transformation of old and new growth drivers, and spare no eff ort to provide talents and intellectual support for the implementation of the major project of the transformation of old and new growth drivers.


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