The theory and practice of self-construction for short video creators in digital age

  • Lu Zhao
  • Yuming Qiu
Keywords: Digital Age; Short Video Creation; Self-construction; Theory and Practice


With the advent of the digital age, short video platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, XiaoHongshu,and B Station have quickly become popular, becoming the hottest entertainment and social media carriers at the moment. Short video creation has the advantages of low production threshold, short production process, fast transmission speed, wide audience and strong interactivity, which can meet the fragmented entertainment needs of netizens and the self-expression needs of grassroots people. In the digital era, the short video form Viog (VedioBlog), whose main content is “recording a better life”, has become increasingly popular among the generation Z, who are “network natives”. The visual shift from “narrative” to “landscape” meets the needs of visual survival, and the non-fi ction and personifi ed authentic content meets the needs of the creators’ life style. The guiding and encouraging activities and promotion meet the needs of diversifi ed expression. This study starts from three dimensions, namely, the self-construction theory of short video creators in the digital age, the characteristics of short video creation in the digital age and the practice path of short video creators in the digital age, respectively, and proposes to strengthen positive energy content, attach importance to demonstration eff ect, respect cultural diff erences, improve media literacy, and promote the development of new media industry.


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