All authors should ensure that the planning, conduct, written report of human research are in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013, and CARE Guidelines. Please refer to the appropriate reporting standards as found on EQUATOR Network, which have been adopted by the field of the works or which apply to their study design. The research must have the approval from a local body, such as ethics committee. Authors should provide the name of ethics committee and the identification number if possible, and ensure that Statement of Informed Consent has be obtained.

When reporting experiments on animals, authors should whether institutional and national standards for the care and use of laboratory animals were followed, and identify the committee or Ethics Review Board during submission stage with the organization’s name or approval identifiers. If necessary, the Editorial Office will check the authenticity of information. If the work conducted on non-regulated animals, a statement should be made to explain why ethical approval was not required. Researches or experiments on non-human or animal as subjects are encouraged to follow the ARRIVE Guidelines and Weatherall report (The use of Non-Human Primates in Research).